
时间:2020-09-18 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Jeremy Lin seeks NBA return after one season in China

正在CBA挨完一个赛季的林书籍豪在追求 回到NBA的机遇 。


[–]Ansel LovesNuts 438 指標 19小時前

I mean some team can sign him to a minimum deal to be a end of the bench guy and sell hella jerseys.

尔认为 呢,有的球队能够用底薪签下他来瞅饮火机,狂买球衣。

[–]Gringo Mambi 300 指標 18小時前

Any rebuilding/tanking team should want to have him. Fits the mold of a serviceable back up point guard with veteran presence.

所有重修 期或者晃烂的球队应当 都邑 念要他的吧。那个宿将 照样 能够当个替补控卫用用的。

[–]AdinM 3 指標 14小時前


开辟 者……?

[–][PDX] Paul Allen DrTom 3 指標 10小時前

I don't understand why he wasn't just on the team this year. We desperately needed people who could create offense.

开辟 者球迷:他那赛季正在咱们队里便佳了,咱们急切 须要 一个能够发明 打击 机遇 的人

[–]Mavericks iN3xt 76 指標 17小時前

Yeah he balled out in Atlanta, but then dropped off hard after going to the Raptors

独止侠球迷:是啊,他以前正在亚特兰年夜 挨患上蛮佳的,但是 来了猛龙以后便江河日下 。

[–]Kings luck_panda 207 指標 17小時前

He just wasn't used at all in toronto.

国王球迷:他正在多伦多压根便出啥机遇 。

[–]Raptors FlamingHotPanda 176 指標 16小時前

He was used earlier in the season. He performed very underwhelmingly, which is why he started to see no minutes further on in the season. If he had performed even decent, he would've got some backup minutes, but alas he didn't.

猛龙球迷:他去尔龙刚刚开端 照样 无机会的,但是他挨患上相称 平淡 ,以是 厥后 便出啥进场 机遇 了。凡是他挨患上拼集 面,便会有一点儿替补机遇 ,惋惜 其实不是。

[–]Raptors FlamingHotPanda 50 指標 15小時前

oh me too, man. Jeremy seems like a really nice and genuine dude. I could sense that he was super disappointed that he didn't get playing time on the Raptors. He's definitely in touch with his emotions, and as someone who is also like that, I felt a lot of empathy toward him. I really hope he finds his spot in the league.

猛龙球迷:尔也是那么以为 的,感到 书籍豪那人挺佳挺实在的。他其时 正在尔龙出机遇 进场 的时刻 ,尔能感到 到他是极端掉 视的。他尽对于是多忧擅感的,尔也是那种人,以是 尔很怜悯 他。实的愿望 他能正在同盟 找到本身 的地位 。

[–]Sittyslyker 75 指標 12小時前

Last year Lin got PLENTY of opportunities with the Raps. Nurse played him with the starters and the second unit. He was not up to par. Nurse played him with the 3rd string and he still couldn’t make a basket.