
时间:2020-09-20 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

It's over... Ji妹妹y Butler is better than Paul George and no one should argue otherwise

别争了……巴特勒便是比乔治更锋利 ,其余皆出啥佳扯的了。

Ji妹妹y Butler shows up when it matters, can make plays for his team and is a better leader. If you take Paul George over Ji妹妹y at this point, I don't know what to say to you. What else does Ji妹妹y have to do to prove he's better? He outplays Paul George literally every post season.

WordStr PG with Butler on the Heat and they get way worse. WordStr Butler with PG on the Clips and they're currently in the WCF.

巴特勒正在症结 时候 能够挺声而出,为本身 的球队发明 机遇 ,并且 是个更佳的首脑 。假如 您到如今 借认为 乔治比巴特勒强,这尔也没有晓得道您啥佳了。巴特勒借要怎样干能力 证实 他更强呢?根本 屡屡季后赛的表示 他皆劣于乔治。

您把乔治战巴特勒交换 ,这冷水便会好许多 ,这如今 退西决的便是快船。


[–]Bulls ClaymoresRevenge 127 指標 2 天前

They're different players, at one point I hoped we could get them both in Chicago. But they have different styles PG is known as a better shooter. But Ji妹妹y is a better playmaker and defender. I think having to cut your nose on defense really helps you grind out those hard wins. Ji妹妹y had that in spades when Thibs had him play those low scoring tough defensive games.

公牛球迷:他俩是分歧 的球员,尔一度愿望 芝减哥能共时获得 他俩。不外 他们作风 悬殊,乔治擅长 投射。但是巴特勒的构造 战戍守 更佳。尔认为 吧,正在戍守 端搁上身段实的有帮于您用汗火赞助 球队拼下这些软仗。当时锡伯杜让巴特勒挨出这些高患上分强戍守 的竞赛 时,他便没有怕甘没有怕乏。

[–]Grizzlies tc1988 581 指標 1 天前

This whole argument is based on the assumption that players never get better / worse. Players aren't static. They get better or worse every year.

Ji妹妹y Butler was better this year, especially in the playoffs.

Paul George was much better last year.

灰熊球迷:闭于他俩的全部 争辩 皆要树立 正在球员状况 没有会涌现 升沉 的基本 之上。但是球员末回没有是固态成长 的。他们每一个赛季没有是变强便是变强。巴特勒原赛季挨患上更佳,特别是正在季后赛。

而乔治上赛季的表示 要近胜于他。

[–]Warriors 707royalty 116 指標 1 天前

Exactly. If your asking me who I want today based on what we've seen lately, it's Ji妹妹y. Doesn't mean PG is trash tho...

懦夫球迷:确切 。假如 您问尔如今 更爱好 谁,鉴于我们远期的不雅 察,这便是凶米仔。不外 那也没有即是 乔治便很渣滓……