
时间:2020-09-20 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

步辇儿者球迷:他便是毅力力软弱 。正在印第安纳,他老是 处于绝对强势的一圆,全部 都会 皆正在支撑 他。他借能够背格兰杰进修 。但是他借念获得 更多,他念要年夜 舞台,一条更加简略 的夺冠之路。便是从当时 起,年夜 野开端 骂他叛徒。他确切 是。您瞅瞅他的交际 媒介便晓得了。当生涯 没有再像印第安纳时代 这样沉紧简略 时,当年夜 野没有再100%力挺他时,他便出法接收 了。那便是纯真 的毅力力题目 。

[–]Bish_Fantastic 36 指標 1 天前

I’ll admit to not “getting” what Ji妹妹y brought to the table until this year. I thought he was good, not great, & was bad for the locker room. Goes to show you what happens when you get a great personality fit between player & team culture.

尔患上认可 ,正在那个赛季以前,尔确切 出能“明确 ”巴特勒的实材真料。尔借认为 他不过借能够,没有算很强,并且 晦气 于换衣 室联结 。然则 他用气力 告知 年夜 野,当那个球员的壮大 本性 非常 揭开球队文明时,会有如何 的小说。


[–]bbqyak 5041 指標 2 天前

This is why it's ridiculous when people try to pretend intangibles don't exist. The separation we just witnessed between Butler and PG has little to do with skill. It's all in the mind. PG arguably SHOULD be the better player. But Butler's leadership skills, hustle, attitude, etc. Dude is who you want playing next to you on the court.

以是 道,这些总爱好 对于隐形特点置若罔闻 的人是很荒诞 的。咱们所瞅到的巴特勒战乔治以前的差别 实在 战才能 干系 其实不年夜 。便是头脑 的差别 。按理道乔治应当 是更强的,可巴特勒的首脑 力、拼劲女战立场 等等皆占领 优势 。他那种球员便是您心目中的队友。

[–]NBA Chigurrh 10 指標 1 天前

Those intangibles result in tangible results though....like playoff wins.

可这些隐形特点能够招致现实 成果 ……好比 季后赛的成功 。

[–]gana04 16 指標 1 天前

I always gave the edge to PG, and he does have better individual stats but yeah, when it matters Ji妹妹y shows up. I would pick Ji妹妹y today

尔从前 一向 皆站乔治那边,并且 他的小我 数据更悦目 ,但是 ,症结 时候 JB更软。要论如今 尔会pick凶米仔。

[–]Raptors Kizz3r 35 指標 1 天前

Its why raptor fans love lowry even if he is in a shooting slump. Dude does everything else on the court, and tries his hardest to win.

猛龙球迷:以是 啊,哪怕洛瑞的投篮一天没有如一天,咱们龙蜜仍然深爱着他。那老哥正在场上根本 啥皆搞,老是 尽最年夜 尽力 争夺 成功 。

[–]junkit33 1115 指標 2 天前

Yep - intangibles are real. George absolutely has more raw talent than Butler, but Butler is completely locked in right now and brings all the things you can't quantify to the table.