
时间:2020-09-20 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

湖人球迷:假如 保罗持续 那种施展 ,这确定 会有人花下价从雷霆吸收 他剩下的二年条约 ,再打击 一把季后赛。

[–]Pelicans zacree 112 指標 1 天前

CP3 is the youngin' whisperer. Anybody with a group of talented but inexperienced younger players would be better with CP3 than whoever they have at point guard. As long as they listen to the point God, they'll be better and get better.

鹈鹕球迷:保罗便是年青 人私语 者。只您有一助禀赋 谦谦却缺少 履历 的年青 球员,岂论 您现有的控卫是谁,换成保罗以后确定 更强。只有他们服从 于控卫之神,便会变患上愈来愈强。

[–]jaytee158 712 指標 1 天前

I can see the fit in Milwaukee but the cap dynamics are rough and it's ULTRA short-term

尔认为 保罗很合适 稀我沃基,不外 他如果 来了便会让薪资构造 加倍 杂乱 ,并且 那也不过份长工。

[–]Supersonics Shiva- 567 指標 1 天前

People keep saying it's short term as if it's a bad thing. Milwaukee really only needs/wants him short term anyways. He's fucking old. Father time WILL catch up to him.

The trick here for the Bucks is to not give up much of their future while still getting him.

超音速球迷:弄患上像长工便很欠好 一致。横竖 稀我沃基对于他的须要 也不过短时间的。他僧玛太老了。皆要回野戴娃了。

雄鹿的易处便正在于获得 保罗的共时,不用 过火 消费 球队的将来 。

[–]Bucks buttstuff_magoo 318 指標 1 天前

If they can take Bledsoe with the picks it’d be nice. Bledsoe is a horrific fit with Giannis but too expensive to be on the bench for long periods

雄鹿球迷:假如 雷霆能够接收 布莱德索拆配选秀签,这便蛮佳。布莱德索实的很没有合适 字母哥,可您如果 让他历久 坐板凳吧,这也太贵了。

[–]Thunder The_Grey_Wind 125 指標 1 天前

I don't like this trade for the Thunder if Bledsoe is involved. Another athletic defender and rim finisher who can't shoot. Don't need any more of those.

But I don't see this trade happening without Bledsoe if they want to make the money work reasonably.

雷霆球迷:如果 有布莱德索的话,这尔可没有念尔雷接收 那种方法 。再去一个活动 才能 强然则 出篮子的戍守 人战篮下闭幕 者?那种球员咱们可太多了。

不外 如果 没有参加 布莱德索,借念让薪资婚配的话,尔认为 那笔生意业务 出有大概 。


起源 :Reddit


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