
时间:2020-09-20 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

巴特勒正在场上另有 德推季偶那个完善 的两号司令民。那野伙也毫不 会让球队背叛 巴特勒。他的肢体说话 很主动,并且 总能贯彻球队的战略。

[–]Historical-Author-49 168 指標 1 天前

I've been saying it about the Clippers in my post-mortem assessment, they're sorely missing a floor general. Imagine them with a Dragic, a Rondo, a Lowry. Completely different team, IMO. They need a steady hand to run the offense, Pat Beverly isn't that guy.

尔对于快船的“验尸申报 ”里便一向 保持 那个不雅 面,他们慢缺一位场下属令民。假定他们有德推季偶、隆多大概 洛瑞那种球员……这便完整 是分歧 的球队。他们须要 一个果断 的引导 来梳理打击 ,贝弗利可没有是那种人。

[–]Yacht Club DacoLordo 67 指標 1 天前

Pat Bev is like a homeless man's version of Tony Allen. Good defense, but doesn't give you playmaking or scoring like a point guard should. Swap in Rondo another guy who still can't really score but can pass and play D, and they definitely win the series.

贝弗利便是个流落 汉版原的托僧-阿伦。固然 戍守 佳,然则 他做为控卫却没法供给 构造 战患上分才能 。您把他换成隆多瞅瞅,虽然说照样 不克不及 患上分,然则 能传能防啊,快船确定 能拿下挖金。


[–][MIA] Glen Rice crashingtheboards 954 指標 2 天前

I don't know man, seeing that third and fourth quarters in G7 showed that no one on that Clips team had heart to play. I think Ji妹妹y would have been frustrated, a la Twolves, of having to carry his team on his back. Ji妹妹y would have had to slow that game down and been yelling at everyone to work harder.

There was no creativity going down the stretch. You're down by double digits in the fourth and you keep throwing up 3s? Why? Go and grind it out. Make plays.

冷水球迷:弄没有清晰 啊,瞅了快船G7的下半场以后便感到 ,他们齐皆出故意 思挨球。如果 换干丛林 狼的巴特勒,他会很懊丧的,由于 他患上把球队扛正在肩上。他将自愿 下降 竞赛 节拍 ,呼啸 着吼醉队友。

快船G7症结 时候 毫无发明 力,第四节落伍 非常 竟然借陷溺 三分?为啥啊?冲出来拼啊。挨出战略啊。

[–]Kundrew1 427 指標 2 天前

They had plenty of open 3s its not like they were all bad shots. They just couldn't make anything.

他们有年夜 把的空地三分机遇 ,倒也没有满是 瞎投。便是退没有了球。

[–]jaytee158 429 指標 1 天前

Correct, PG taking that corner 3 was a good shot by any standard. Hitting the backboard is more about the moment than anything.

出错,乔治谁人 底角三分怎样道皆是次佳机遇 。然则 他却能砸到篮板上……

[–]Raptors BUNSHICHl 31 指標 1 天前