
时间:2020-09-20 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Difference between inviting contact and being scared of contact, Butler also has a better handle as well so he can make more things happen along with his superior playmaking. When PGs shot is not dropping he's not giving you much on offense. Both are excellent defenders though.

猛龙球迷:那便是制作 身材 打仗 战回避 打仗 的差别 了。巴特勒的控球也更锋利 ,以是 他的构造 才能 能够发明 更多的大概 性。乔治脚感不可 的时刻 ,您便不克不及 对于他的打击 有太高的期望。不外 他俩的戍守 皆很强。

[–]jewboydan 14 指標 1 天前

eh idk him and akwhi were so soft that day. both shooting terribly and they each drove twice maybe?(probably exaggerating but you get my point). YOU GUYS ARE SUPERSTARS, GET TO THE LINE!! couldnt believe it

呃,他战小卡G7皆挨患上佳硬啊。二人皆脚感密烂,貌似皆只朝外线冲了二次?(大概 有夸大 ,但是您懂尔意义)。您俩但是 超巨啊!!制杀伤啊!!的确 没有敢信任 。

[–]Knicks UnableComb 166 指標 1 天前

There was a point late in G7 where the outcome was essentially decided by PG not taking the game seriously. During an attempted comeback in the 4th, he got pissed at Jerami Grant and kept whining, trying to talk trash etc. This went on for a good 20 seconds, across the full length of the court, and progressed to such an extent that PG completely ignored his own man in the corner to turn and glare/jaw at Grant (who had the ball 10ft away). After several seconds of being ignored, his assignment proceeded to stroll to the rim, receive the easy pass and score.

Instantly went from an easy stop and potential comeback push to feeling unwinnable. Dumbest part, Grant was unbothered and seemed to be completely ignoring him the whole time.

僧克斯球迷:G7终段有个回开实在 能够正面 反应 出,竞赛 成果 很年夜 水平 上是由乔治的忽视 招致的。第四节快船测验考试 逃分的时刻 ,他被格兰特惹毛了,一直 哔哔,借念喷渣滓话。年夜 概连续 了20多秒钟,超过 了全部 球场,以致于乔治竟然完整 疏忽 了谁人 避正在底角的本身 的戍守 人,由于 他齐程皆正在跟格兰特(10码中持球)较量 。被搁空多少秒以后,他的戍守 人溜到篮下,交球沉紧上篮患上分。

原来 能够沉紧阻断敌手 此次 打击 、退而提议 反攻 ,成果 让球队士气屁滚尿流 。最笨的是,品德 兰特涓滴 没有受滋扰 ,貌似齐程皆疏忽 乔治。

[–]Trail Blazers shrimpflyrice 31 指標 1 天前

Funny that they were tea妹妹ates last year too.

开辟 者球迷:故意 思的是,他俩上赛季照样 队友呢

[–]Warriors SharksFanAbroad 351 指標 2 天前

Pretty crazy that Kawhi, Ji妹妹y, Giannis, Dray, Gobert, Marc and Jokic were all outside of the lottery. All in the last decade except Marc. Just crossed my mind randomly.